4 months, 250,000+ downloads, 10,000,000+ minutes played! Thank you! Wow! We’re really chuffed that you enjoy Into the Twilight so much. bns gold To say thank you, we’ve just released an update with a Spooky Surprise! So grab the update and enjoy the special Halloween themed stage.
LAUNCHED June 12th 2010
Get it NowInto the Twilight reaches number 1 in its category in 15 countries in its first three weeks on the App Store. We are very proud that in the short time since launch, you have shown that you love our game just as much as we do. http://goldufo.com You asked us for more levels so we updated the game on the 1st of July with more stages, more content, and more fun! Here is what some of you have to say about the game:- Great game for adults and kids – ★★★★★ by James in Japan – Version 1.1.0 – 29 June 2010 ‘Solid, beautiful entertainment and graphics. A true winner. Easily worth $1.99. I got it free but I would gladly pay for a sequel. Marvelous. buy bns gold Please add more levels, backgrounds, and also can you add a female character whose long hair swings as she runs and ducks, etc.? This game is a big hit with my daughter, but she wishes the character weren’t limited to the male version only. Thanks! Keep up the great game-making! Bravo on this one — very, very nice!’ Cool – ★★★★★ by this_is_a_nickname – Version 1.1.0 – 18 June 2010 ‘Pretty freaking awesome!’ Great game! – ★★★★★ by oreillyjf – Version 1.1.0 – 12 June 2010 ‘Great game! Both my 8 year old son and I really enjoyed playing it.’ So AMAZING! But… – ★★★★★ by (> ‘ ‘)> – Version 1.2.0 – 01 July 2010 ‘… add A LOT MOAR LEVELS and (in my opinion) this could be better than doodle jump.’ Супер игра – ★★★★★ by Shama80 – Version 1.2.0 – 05 July 2010 最高です – ★★★★★ by あさぎくん – Version 1.2.0 – 05 July 2010 Me gusta!!!!!!! – ★★★★★ by jhat00 – Version 1.1.0 – 24 June 2010 It’s as addictive as you’d imagine – Ben Maxwell, Pocket Gamer – 18 June 2010 ‘Thankfully nothing to do with pubescent (and godless) vampires, Into The Twilight is actually an impressively handsome take on Canabalt. Presented in a silhouetted aesthetic somewhere between Nightmare Before Christmas and the Bewitched credits, the game is surprisingly good. Running to the right constantly, all you have to do is tap the screen to jump over obstacles and gaps. So far, so familiar.